17th February 2025

LAYERS 8 – Power ICs: New Cu Frontside processes on 300mm

Evatec’s CLUSTERLINE® 300 is designed for contamination-free, low-particle front side processes on 300mm wafers. Achieve exceptional uniformity in Tungsten-Titanium-Alloy and thick copper layers, with WiW thickness/resistivity uniformities of <5% (1 Sigma <2.5%). Configurable with up to six process modules and three load ports/FOUPS, the CLUSTERLINE® 300 offers flexibility and efficiency. The Atmospheric Frontend Module (AFEM) includes a robot and aligner, with options for wafer buffer stations and high-pressure cooling. Enhance your production with Evatec’s advanced atmospheric batch degas (ABD) technology, tailored for high-throughput applications. 

Explore why Evatec’s CLUSTERLINE® 300 is the ideal platform to satisfy the growing demand for 300mm processing and how Evatec process know-how is delivering high performance thick copper layers.

Read the full article here

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